
Here's what I learned TOTALLY by accident. Personal story sells.


These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

March 31, 2014

I used to think there was something wrong with me because I didn’t enjoy what “normal” people did. I could never get into Broadway shows, or cruises, or bus tours, or weekends in a big city, or marathon shopping trips, or the ballet, or watching sporting events, or tailgate parties, or cocktail parties, or participating in team sports, or line dancing, or the bar scene. (Can anybody say introvert?)

Like so many of the folks I work with, I forgot who I was and what I wanted after a few too many years of putting myself on the back burner while looking after everyone else. It took me a lot of trial and error, some open-minded experimentation, to learn what floats my boat.
I had to know what it was I liked in order to design this very exciting chapter in my life.

I was trying to explain to my daughter the other day what I adore about Ireland.  Just for fun, I’d like to share with you what I shared with her.  These, my friends, are just a few of my favorite things. (Cue Julie Andrews.)


1. Stray donkeys that interrupt our runs.



2. Visits to quiet cafes in the middle of the week.



3. Jack Russell Terriers everywhere you look.



4. Kayaking with seals just off the local beach.



5. Rainbows out our front window nearly every single day.



6.  Silly parades I would never go to at home.



7.  Bumping into sheep while  we hike.



8. Castles in the oddest spots.



9.  A rather loose enforcement and/or development of rules.



10. A herd of very social cows for neighbors.



11.  An equally happy husband.



Can you remember what brings you joy?  You don’t have to remember the big things; the little things are sometimes the very best start.

If you are vaguely unhappy and ready for a change, you’ll need to discover one activity, one interest, one place that makes you come alive.


  • Jules says:

    Speaking with friends no matter where they are in the world!!! 🙂

    • Ann says:

      Seriously! I would have put that up if I had a picture of that. Along with the foxes and the pheasants grousing around in the front yard. They keep running away when I barrel out the door with a camera.

  • Jules says:

    Speaking with friends no matter where they are in the world!!! 🙂

    • Ann says:

      Seriously! I would have put that up if I had a picture of that. Along with the foxes and the pheasants grousing around in the front yard. They keep running away when I barrel out the door with a camera.

  • Sue in Hawai'i says:

    Being able to walk without pain after my recent hip replacement! Looking forward to becoming personally
    re-acquainted with the lovely forest outside my house, after just gazing wistfully at it from my living room for the longest time.

  • Sue in Hawai'i says:

    Being able to walk without pain after my recent hip replacement! Looking forward to becoming personally
    re-acquainted with the lovely forest outside my house, after just gazing wistfully at it from my living room for the longest time.

  • This is marvelous. And right this moment, as I am typing this, my old soul of a cat, Simon, is attempting to occupy my hands and face. I love that. I love that my granddaughter calls me Grandma Von and that she loves me “a billion flowers worth, plus 1600 more.” I am happy that at this age, I don’t care what anyone thinks of me. Watching a horse prance and run makes me smile huge. And that my best boy, Swagger, wants to be with me more than any other human in the world. But, most of all, I love that my daughters love me and want me in their world.

  • This is marvelous. And right this moment, as I am typing this, my old soul of a cat, Simon, is attempting to occupy my hands and face. I love that. I love that my granddaughter calls me Grandma Von and that she loves me “a billion flowers worth, plus 1600 more.” I am happy that at this age, I don’t care what anyone thinks of me. Watching a horse prance and run makes me smile huge. And that my best boy, Swagger, wants to be with me more than any other human in the world. But, most of all, I love that my daughters love me and want me in their world.

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